
Empowering Voices: How Sidenote Enhances Reddit Conversations

9/28/24 - Dallin Urness

Reddit is often touted as "the front page of the internet," a space where users can engage in discussions on a myriad of topics. However, one common criticism of the platform is the over-moderation that can occur within various subreddits. Many users find their comments removed or their voices silenced due to the opinions and policies of moderators. Enter Sidenote—an app that aims to give users a voice in those very spaces where their contributions might otherwise be overlooked.

By integrating Sidenote, users can add comment sections and engage in discussions in subreddits with overly stringent moderation rules. This innovative approach not only enhances the Reddit experience but also champions the importance of open dialogue in online communities.

Why Moderation Matters

Moderation is essential for maintaining a healthy online community. It helps keep discussions respectful and relevant. However, over-moderation can stifle creativity, discourage participation, and create an environment where users feel their opinions are not valued.

Many users have experienced the frustration of having their insightful comments removed for seemingly arbitrary reasons. This can lead to a sense of disengagement and reluctance to participate further in discussions.

Introducing Sidenote

Sidenote empowers users by allowing them to add comment sections to any Reddit post, including those where comments have been disabled or heavily moderated. This enables users to express their thoughts freely and connect with others who share similar interests.

Features of Sidenote on Reddit

Comment Sections

With Sidenote, users can easily add their comments to any Reddit page, allowing for rich discussions that might otherwise be curtailed. This feature encourages a more dynamic exchange of ideas.

Live Chats

Sidenote also supports live chat functionality, making it possible for users to engage in real-time discussions during events or trending topics. This instant interaction fosters a more lively and engaged community.

The Importance of Open Dialogue

Open dialogue is crucial for several reasons:

  • Fostering Inclusivity - Sidenote allows voices that may be overlooked in the current moderation environment to be heard, promoting inclusivity and diversity of thought.
  • Enhancing Engagement - By enabling comments in heavily moderated subreddits, Sidenote encourages more users to participate, enriching the overall conversation.
  • Encouraging Community Growth - Open discussions can lead to stronger community ties, as users find common ground and support one another’s perspectives.
  • Providing Valuable Feedback - User-generated comments offer creators and moderators valuable insights into community sentiment, helping them make informed decisions.


Sidenote is a game changer for Reddit users looking to reclaim their voice in an environment that can sometimes feel restrictive. By enabling comment sections and fostering open conversations, Sidenote empowers users to engage meaningfully in the communities they care about.

Whether you’re a seasoned Redditor or new to the platform, Sidenote opens the door to richer discussions and a more vibrant online community. Join the conversation today and make your voice heard!