
How to Install Sidenote?

9/25/24 - Elizabeth Jorgensen

What is Sidenote?

Sidenote is a browser extension allowing you to converse on every internet page. Let's walk through the steps to get it installed.

How to Install Sidenote?

Open Chrome Web Store

To install Sidenote onto your browser start by opening the Chrome Web Store. Once in the Chrome Web store, search for Sidenote. Or use the link to go straight to Sidenote.

Click Add to Chrome

You will then click the “Add to Chrome” button and accept any Chrome notifications that may pop up.

Add to Chrome Button
Pin to Task Board

To pin Sidenote to your task board, click the puzzle button on the top right side of your screen.

Extension List Button
Pin To Taskbar Button

Sidenote is now installed and pined to your taskbar. To access unlimited conversations all you will need to do is click the Sidenote logo and Sidenote will be opened on the side of your screen.